Course : Managers as manager-coaches

Managers as manager-coaches

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This training will enable you to incorporate the manager-coach dimension into your managerial practices. It will be helpful for you to manage as a coach while using essential techniques and tools in order to better understand, motivate, and develop your employees' talents.


Practical course in person or remote class

Ref. OAC
Price : 1370 € E.T.
  2d - 14h00

This training will enable you to incorporate the manager-coach dimension into your managerial practices. It will be helpful for you to manage as a coach while using essential techniques and tools in order to better understand, motivate, and develop your employees' talents.

Teaching objectives
At the end of the training, the participant will be able to:
  • Learn the coaching approach
  • Understand the role and position of the manager-coach
  • Use effective tools to assist and coach employees

Intended audience
Manager or any person responsible for a team who wishes to manage from a coaching position.

Experience in team management desired.

Course schedule

The role of a coach and his or her position

  • Knowing what coaching is.
  • Understanding the fundamentals of the coaching relationship.
  • Defining the qualities of a good manager-coach.
  • Evaluating what coaching provides.
  • Understanding the coaching position: low position vs. high position.
  • Going from being a manager to a manager-coach.
Storyboarding workshops
Identifying the differences between a manager and a manager-coach.

How a coaching interview proceeds

  • Mastering the standard process.
  • Using the "RPNDC grid" to frame and formalize the approach.
  • Exploring the situational problem with the SCORE tool.
  • Securing the coaching relationship.
  • Activating the levers of effective coaching.
Training for the interview with a coach position.

The manager-coach as catalyst of human development

  • Helping to achieve the goal.
  • Setting goals and the coaching framework.
  • Establishing relevant, motivating target contracts; conducting follow-up interviews.
  • Co-creating a development plan.
  • Practicing feedback and encouragement.
  • Tracking actions.
Intensive training in achieving goals as a manager-coach.

Mastering effective coaching tools

  • The art of maieutics.
  • Active listening tools.
  • Back-and-forth questioning, feedback, reframing context and meaning.
  • Tools and techniques drawn from PNL, from Transactional Analysis.
Experimenting with several tools of the manager-coach.

The manager-coach as creator of self-sufficiency

  • Evaluating the employee's self-sufficiency.
  • Knowing how to create a climate that encourages initiative.
  • Identifying degrees of professional, relational, and emotional maturity.
Detecting the degree of maturity of a profile and coaching while adapting to it.

The manager-coach in difficult situations

  • Advanced coaching tools: managing psychological games.
  • Handling resistance through incentive and action.
  • Helping the employee overcome his or her personal obstacles.
  • Reframing, techniques for influence and engagement, etc.
Coaching in difficult situations as a manager-coach.

Practical details
Hands-on work
Scenarios and role-playing, participatory discussions about the manager-coach stance. Feedback. Training in best practices.

Customer reviews
4,5 / 5
Customer reviews are based on end-of-course evaluations. The score is calculated from all evaluations within the past year. Only reviews with a textual comment are displayed.

Dates and locations
Select your location or opt for the remote class then choose your date.
Remote class