Our certification courses enable you to obtain all the skills necessary for the exercise of a profession or an activity and to validate them by obtaining an ORSYS certification. You take these courses over several days at your own pace over a maximum period of 12 months, either in-person or in a remote classroom; then you validate the knowledge acquired by a certification day, to be held in person or remotely when the certification allows it.
1 | | Employability: certification courses are devoted to a profession, to the acquisition of new skills or to the enhancement of skills already acquired and aim to maintain or improve your employability. |
2 | | Improved embedding of acquired knowledge: the modules spread out over time allow you to put into practice the concepts seen in training so that you have time to assimilate them before moving on to the next ones. |
3 | | Flexibility : the modular format of the course and the short duration of the training sessions help you integrate them into your professional life. |
1 | | Start and prerequisites: you choose the date of the session for the 1st course, making sure to comply with the necessary prerequisites. All sessions can be taken in person or in a remote classroom. |
2 | | Planning: you select the dates of the other sessions depending on your availability, the recommended teaching order and in accordance with the certification date chosen. |
3 | | Practical application and support: you apply the concepts in your company that you saw during the training sessions. A dedicated ORSYS team is available to support you with the implementation of your course. |
4 | | Certification : your course ends with a certification test in which you will be assessed on practical cases, in writing and/or orally. It takes place over a 3 to 6 hour session, which can be held in person or remotely, depending on the course taken. It is run by one of our experts in the field and it enables you to assess your skills. |