
Your satisfaction is our priority. ORSYS imposes the highest standards on itself in order to offer you a training experience that meets the strictest quality criteria.

The quality of our training courses is our top criterion for your satisfaction

ORSYS is exemplary in how it designs and organizes its training courses. In addition to the excellence of our trainers, we pay close attention to the balance of the programs, the hardware and software used, and how comfortable our clients are when working. To do this, we have put in place procedures that cover all stages, from the design of the courses to their delivery and follow-up.

We work in close collaboration with all our external instructors and offer them free training to improve their knowledge and skills and thus guarantee the success of the courses they teach. We meet with them regularly to review those courses, to listen to their feedback and their suggestions for improving the programs and offerings.


We have processes in place that allow us to:

  • Collect, analyze, validate and transmit best practices in training delivery: Innovative methods, hands-on work particularly suited to a given subject, etc.
  • Optimize our training programs in real time and adapt their content to the latest legal, technological, or methodological developments.
  • Safeguard the training by providing backup facilitators for each course.

We offer a comprehensive learning assessment system to ensure the efficiency of the training provided in terms of value and advancement.

The comprehensive approach used to measure the effectiveness of your training actions is divided into three key moments throughout the training.


Evaluation at the start of the course

  • Self-positioning test at the start of the course
  • Expression of knowledge, skills and expectations related to the training topic


Evaluation during the course

  • Interrogative methods that go around the table for a review at the end of the day, or through short, fun exercises
  • Regular progress reports to verify that each person has achieved their objectives


Evaluation at the end of the course

  • Final exercise (case studies, role-playing, questionnaires, quizzes, video work, etc.) to validate knowledge acquisition
  • Post-training test to validate knowledge acquisition
  • Completion of the group or individual assessment
  • Self-positioning “hot” test after the training is completed
  • “Cold” evaluation performed some time after the training

These three evaluation times are essential to enable us to decide on what corrective actions to take if necessary. They may include:

  • hosting a make-up session. The program of this session is defined by the educational engineering department according to the needs of the unsatisfied participants and the initial program of the training.
  • An invitation to the same course with another instructor.
  • An invitation to another course that would better suit the needs of the participant(s)

The average satisfaction rate (ratings including very satisfied or satisfied) was 95,9% for the year 2022.