Introducing concepts of the ISO 9001 Quality Management System
- Introduction to the ISO 9001 family of standards.
- Introduction to management systems and the process approach.
- Understanding the fundamental principles of quality management.
- General requirements: Overview of clauses 4 to 8 of ISO 9001.
- Management responsibility: Overview of Chapter 5.
- Resource management: Overview of Chapter 6.
- Product realization: Overview of Chapter 7.
- Measurement, analysis, and improvement: Overview of Chapter 8.
Hands-on work
Reasons for implementing the standard, principles of ISO management as applied to quality, interpretation of ISO 9001 clauses, preparing a QMS project, and writing a quality policy.
Implementing requirements in accordance with ISO 9001:2015
- Selecting the approach and methodology implemented in the context of ISO 9001.
- Identifying and analyzing customers' needs and requirements.
- Implementing document management.
- Tracking the resource management, product realization, and purchasing process.
- Controlling and monitoring a Quality Management System. Measuring customer satisfaction.
- Conducting an ISO 9001 internal audit and conducting management review of the Quality Management System.
- Implementing a continual improvement program.
- Preparing for the ISO 9001 certification audit and planning for registration with a certification body.
Hands-on work
Problem solving, improving a process, QMS operations, quality control tools, customer satisfaction, and corrective action plans.
Certified ISO 9001 Foundation exam.
- Domain 1: Principles and fundamental concepts of quality.
- Domain 2: Quality Management System (QMS).
1-hour exam.