Course : Product Management as a Profession

Product Management as a Profession

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Learn the best tools and methods that are essential to a product manager. Coordinate the actions needed to launch and monitor new products. Manage the product portfolio and the performance of the marketing mix.


Practical course in person or remote class

Ref. FCP
Price : 1840 € E.T.
  3d - 21h00

Learn the best tools and methods that are essential to a product manager. Coordinate the actions needed to launch and monitor new products. Manage the product portfolio and the performance of the marketing mix.

Teaching objectives
At the end of the training, the participant will be able to:
  • Identify the roles and missions of the product manager
  • Develop synergies between the marketing and sales department
  • Collect information from different monitoring sources
  • Perform a diagnostic on the product
  • Master the marketing mix
  • Build and oversee the product marketing plan

Intended audience
Product managers, market managers, and newly promoted, beginner, or experienced brand managers.

No particular knowledge.

Course schedule

Role, missions, and skills of the product manager

  • Definitions of marketing.
  • New concepts in marketing: Toward interactive marketing.
  • The marketing approach: Market, needs, products, segmentation, targeting, positioning, marketing mix.
  • Scope of marketing.
  • Different types of marketing: Product, relationship-based, one-to-one, interactive.
  • Viral communication.
  • Job definition. The versatility of the product manager. Changes to the profession.
  • Three key missions: Analyzing, recommending, implementing.
  • Key factors to success.
Hands-on work
Brainstorming about the product manager's various tasks.

A genuine internal and external interface

  • Product manager: A team motivator.
  • Marketing-sales synergy: Best practices.
  • The advertiser-agency relationship.
  • The agency brief: Funnel method.
  • Evaluation grid after the brief.
Hands-on work
Group discussions about existing practices in marketing/sales relations within companies and seeking ways to optimize them.

Knowing your market

  • Analyzing the company's environment: PESTEL. Macroeconomic analysis.
  • The marketing plan.
  • Different sources of monitoring.
  • Looking for external issues.
  • Analyzing and classifying competitors.
  • Analyzing Porter's forces.
  • Each competitor's profile.
  • Benchmarking or calibration.
Hands-on work
Analysis of Porter's forces in the context of each trainee's company. Discussions.

Collecting information

  • Internal and external sources of information.
  • Choosing the type of study.
  • Qualitative and quantitative studies.
  • Permanent panels: Usefulness and usage methodology.
  • Customer satisfaction studies.
  • Documentary, marketing, and customer satisfaction studies, usage tests, audience studies.

Diagnosing the product

  • Pareto analysis of the customer portfolio.
  • The BCG matrix (Boston Consulting Group).
  • Analyzing the product's life cycle.
  • The performance monitoring dashboard.
  • Summary of internal and external analysis: SWOT.
Hands-on work
Based on a case study, create a BCG and SWOT matrix.

Crafting the marketing strategy

  • Setting strategic goals. SMART goals.
  • Defining your goals by product/segment pair.
  • Product strategies during the life cycle.
  • The segmentation phase: BtoB and BtoC criteria.
  • RFM segmentation (Recency, Frequency, Monetary value).
  • The targeting phase: Choice criteria, possible strategies.
  • Positioning: Definition, positioning criteria.
  • Positioning opportunities. Types and mapping.
  • Choosing what business to develop, maintain, and abandon.
  • Analyzing a market's appeal. The McKinsey model.
Hands-on work
Creating a positioning map. Selecting segmentation criteria and presenting your segmentation based on total population (supply and/or demand segmentation).

Becoming proficient in the marketing mix

  • The mix: Consistency and optimization of the mix.
  • Defining product quality assessment criteria.
  • Product life cycle curve.
  • Identifying characteristics of the product mix.
  • Studying the brand: Different types, functions, protection.
  • Price-setting strategy.
  • Price-influencing factors.
  • Calculating the elasticity coefficient, the acceptance price, the break-even point, and the profitability threshold.
  • Evaluating the sales networks. Making the product available to the end consumer.
  • Selecting a distribution network. - The distribution contract.
  • Different tools and communication methods.
  • Conducting promotions: Street marketing, public relations, athletic sponsorship, arts patronage, etc.
  • Communication by the sales force: Creating the sales kit.
Hands-on work
Crafting a mix in sub-groups based on one or two concrete cases offered by trainees.

Building the marketing plan

  • Determining the contents of the marketing plan.
  • Defining one- and three-year goals.
  • Presenting and planning action plans.
  • Putting the plan into operation.
  • Tracking and controlling actions: Preparing your dashboard.
  • Putting corrective actions in place.
Hands-on work
Working on crafting a marketing plan.

Practical details
Hands-on work
Case studies illustrated with examples from different business sectors. A complete toolbox for studying certain strategic or operational issues that the trainees may have and for inviting group discussions.

Customer reviews
4,6 / 5
Customer reviews are based on end-of-course evaluations. The score is calculated from all evaluations within the past year. Only reviews with a textual comment are displayed.

Dates and locations
Select your location or opt for the remote class then choose your date.
Remote class