Course : Scrum League™ Product Owner (icPO™): Certification

French-language review and international recognition

Scrum League™ Product Owner (icPO™): Certification

French-language review and international recognition
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icPO certification brings recognition wherever the Scrum framework is used. The product owner has a key role in a Scrum organization, because they carry the vision of the product and make the backlog evolve continuously. This certification course will validate your ability to play a PO role in a Scrum organization.


Practical course in person or remote class

Ref. SRZ
Price : 1890 € E.T.
  2d - 14h00

icPO certification brings recognition wherever the Scrum framework is used. The product owner has a key role in a Scrum organization, because they carry the vision of the product and make the backlog evolve continuously. This certification course will validate your ability to play a PO role in a Scrum organization.

Teaching objectives
At the end of the training, the participant will be able to:
  • Understand the Scrum framework.
  • Understand the role of the product owner
  • Be able to plan what you’ll do in an agile project as a Product Owner
  • Prepare for and take the Scrum League™ "icPO" exam
  • What the Product Owner does

Intended audience
Product directors/managers, project owners, project managers/project actors, anyone who has to take on the role of product owner in a project in Scrum mode.

Basic knowledge of agile fundamentals, or iterative or incremental development.

Course schedule

Agility overview

  • New needs.
  • The agile culture (introducing a change, characteristics).
  • Principles and benefits.
  • Origins and manifesto.
  • Implementing agility: appropriate cases, inappropriate cases.
Group discussion
Learn agility concepts.

Overview of the Scrum memento

  • Scrum, an empirical process: its pillars, its values.
  • Different roles within Scrum: the Scrum master, the product owner and the development team.
  • What is an event? Overview.
  • Overview of events: sprint, sprint planning, sprint review and retrospective.
  • Another event: the daily Scrum.
  • What is an artifact?
  • Detailed presentation of artifacts: product backlog, sprint backlog, increment.
  • Other notions: sprint 0, definition of done, burndown chart.
Scrum mapping. Analysis and discussion about roles.

What the product owner does

  • Skills and qualities of a product owner.
  • What is value? Tools to define value.
  • Defining and maintaining the vision.
  • Requirements management, product backlog and product backlog management (user story, prioritization, refinement, etc.).
  • Technical debt (identification, examples, repayment).
  • Planning releases, participating in sprint planning.
  • Activities during the sprint, conducting the sprint review.
  • Communicating on progress, the work remaining, the value, the time to market, the quality.
Choosing the right product owner. The value, the product.

Preparation for certification

  • Registration for the exam.
  • Practical exercises, mock exam with commented correction.
Taking the mock exam

Scrum League™ "icPO" Exam

  • Reminder of the exam rules and conditions for obtaining certification.
  • Some tips.
  • Taking the Scrum League™ "icPO" exam.
Official exam.

This course prepares participants to take the Scrum League™ “icPO” Product Owner certification. The exam, in French, is included and taken at the end of the course. It consists of 50 multiple-choice questions, answered in 50 minutes. Getting 85% correct is required to pass.
Remote certifications
See the certifier’s official documentation for the list of prerequisites for completing the online certification exam.

Practical details
Preparation for the certification exam using multiple-choice questions and mock exams with answers. Exam in French.
Teaching methods;
Lecture and participation with verification that understanding is being attained over time through workshops.

Customer reviews
4,1 / 5
Customer reviews are based on end-of-course evaluations. The score is calculated from all evaluations within the past year. Only reviews with a textual comment are displayed.

Dates and locations
Select your location or opt for the remote class then choose your date.
Remote class