Course : Giving an Effective Presentation

enliven your presentation and your PowerPoint materials

Giving an Effective Presentation

enliven your presentation and your PowerPoint materials
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This course will enable you to increase the impact of your presentations with effective, well-organized materials and animation and get the most out of PowerPoint.


Practical course in person or remote class

Ref. PRE
Price : 1390 € E.T.
  2d - 14h00

This course will enable you to increase the impact of your presentations with effective, well-organized materials and animation and get the most out of PowerPoint.

Teaching objectives
At the end of the training, the participant will be able to:
  • Increase the impact of presentations
  • Get the most out of PowerPoint
  • Write clear, memorable messages
  • Structure your oral presentation and method of speaking

Intended audience
Anyone who designs and produces oral presentations with visual materials.

Have a minimum understanding of PowerPoint's features.

Course schedule

Prepare your presentation

  • Define the purpose and intended audience, the goal to achieve.
  • Contexts: Presenting financial reports, a product, a company, etc.
  • Contexts: Open-house day, training, etc.
  • Build your script.
  • Structure the information.
  • Presentation materials.
Based on a text, identify key messages and create the outline of the PowerPoint presentation.

Write clear, effective messages

  • Structure the information.
  • Build your plan.
  • Convey clear messages.
  • Choose short, dynamic, fitting words.
Based on a chosen plan, write clear, effective messages.

Know how to present your slides

  • Leave space around text.
  • Use essential PowerPoint functions.
  • Balance the various elements of the slide: Title, keywords, diagrams.
  • What layout, formatting, punctuation, and fonts to use.
  • Pitfalls to avoid
Create a PP layout. Give it a look, a breezy feel, and make it fun to explore the presentation.

Illustrate and highlight key messages

  • Use and promote your style guide.
  • Enliven the presentation: Create a “script”
  • Highlight your results, arguments, and ideas.
  • Illustrate with a diagram, image, video, sound, graphic, chart, etc.
  • Ensure that the message and illustrations are a good fit.
Each participant designs their own messages, then lays out and enhances their PowerPoint presentation.

Prepare to speak

  • Handle stress and stage fright.
  • Tips to be more effective.
Relaxation, breathing, and centring exercises.

Get comfortable with your oral presentation

  • Structure your oral presentation and method of speaking
  • Stay in control of your presentation: Mistakes to avoid.
  • Develop conviction: Choose strong words, stay positive.
  • Encourage listening and thinking.
Role-playing for the presentation given.

Adapt your presentation to restrictions

  • Know how to manage time and unforeseen events.
  • Know how to adapt to different audiences.
Personalized treatment of problems encountered by participants. Revealing the tips and secrets of experienced speakers.

Blended option – Overview of digital activities

Before your classroom - 45 min

  • Preparing your public talk.

After your classroom - 5h5

  • Using visual aids effectively in presentations.
  • Capturing and keeping your audience’s attention.
  • Communicating - Connecting to your people.
  • High-impact communication: shaping your message.
  • Make your point more effectively.
  • Boost group creativity.
  • Communicate across generations.
Activités digitales
Serious game, cours interactifs, fiches de synthèse, activités pratiques.

Practical details
Hands-on work
Very hands-on training with many exercises in workshop form.

Customer reviews
4,5 / 5
Customer reviews are based on end-of-course evaluations. The score is calculated from all evaluations within the past year. Only reviews with a textual comment are displayed.

Dates and locations
Select your location or opt for the remote class then choose your date.
Remote class