With a dedicated contact, training administration, secure and personalised online spaces, and help in designing of your skill's development plan, ORSYS supports and assists you at various levels to facilitate the management of your training and your company’s human capital.
ORSYS by your side!
A dedicated contact
Training administration
Optimising skills
A dedicated contact
A training consultant is assigned to your company.
His role : to facilitate your training!
How? By supporting you at each stage of your project:
Study of your needs and the profile of the persons to receive training
Recommendation for the solution best suited to your objectives (inter-company or in-house, customised, e-learning...) with the best financial terms and conditions
Support in the implementation of your training
Validation of your goal's achievement and evaluation of your level of satisfaction.
Training administration
Administrative assistance Our administrative department helps you with draw up and provide of all the administrative documents (invoices, training agreements, attendance sheets, evaluation sheets...) required for your training file.
Digitalisation All our documents are digitised: acknowledgments of receipt, notifications, invoices and attendance sheets are sent to you by email.
Your training portal Enhance your intranet by including all the information relating to the training courses selected in the context of our partnership (summary description of courses, prices, dates...) for both inter-company and in-house sessions. And integrate all administrative and financial data into your “supplier management” portal.
Optimising skills
By whom? Our educational engineers and ORSYS training consultant
How? By being involved at different stages of the project:
Detailed needs analysis though interviews, measurement tools, prerequisite tests
Selection of the training solutions best suited to the needs
The most advantageous proposed pricing in terms of quality and cost
Planning of dates and of guaranteed sessions
What are the benefits?
Specific and suitable solutions tailored to your training requirements
Simplified planning
Greater visibility on future training actions
Save time on needs analysis and identification of training courses
Optimisation of budget thanks to the wide range of options offered by ORSYS
Are you an employee?
You can take the initiative and ask your employer for training. To benefit from it, the agreement of your employer is required.